St. Vincent de Paul is a lay Catholic organization. Our volunteers visit the poor and suffering in their homes, provide companionship, listen and discern the needs of those they visit. We provide material assistance in the form of vouchers, most often for rent, utility, food, prescriptions, and goods and clothing from our thrift stores. Some of our parish conferences also operate food banks. No work of charity is foreign to the society.
Who do we serve? Those we serve come from all segments of society: The elderly, single parents, the working poor, homeless families and individuals, the unemployed or those struggling to stay afloat after on-the-job injuries have rendered them unable to work, those on public assistance and those who are not served or underserved by other agencies.
Please consider joining the St. Mary's Conference of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. Please, help us to serve the needy. For more information, please talk to Terry M. (or Aldo B. for Spanish) or ask the parish office.